Web Mail
You can check your email from any internet connected device that uses a modern web browser:
This includes Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE/Edge, Tablets and Smartphones.
Please visit:
You will need to login using your full email address and password.
For help using webmail please visit the documentation site here.
Please contact support for any further assistance.
Redirecting To Another Email Address
- Click
- On Left pick
- In the box type one or more emails seperated by commas
- Check/Uncheck
Keep a copy
(If not checked there is no copy saved to this Inbox) - Save
Vacation/Auto-Response Setup
- Click
- On Left pick
/Auto Response
- In the
type your subject (or leave default entry) - In
Message Contents
enter a brief vacation/'Out of Office' statement (emergency email or phone/etc if needed). - Save
Send As Others/Identities/Signature Setup
- Click
- On Left pick
- Click
New Identity
. You will then enter a new email identity. - Enter a Name, Email, Reply-to (optional) and associated Signature in this box.
- Save
- When sending emails you may now select this 'identity' (or default) to send emails with (along with given signature).
Whitelists/Blacklists Setup
- Click
- On Left pick
) - You may now enter either domain(s) or individual email addresses you wish to ALWAYS block or ALWAYS accept email from (without it being 'Spam scanned')
- Save
Reset Your Email Password
- Click
- On Left pick
- Enter your current password (correctly!).
- Enter new password (it needs upper/lower letters/numbers and at least one symbol)
- The new password must be 6 or more characters long with upper/lower letters, numbers, symbols ( Example: A1b26!q )